January 1, 2013

Hooray for 2013!

New year, new goals. It's official. It's happening. I can't push it off any longer!

Here's a list I've compiled with some things I want to work towards this coming year. Every month I'll look back, and update how I'm doing, and possibly even add some new endeavors. The times, they are a-changin'...

+ Pick a workout program and stick with it!
+ Keep breathing. Keep loving. Keep living.
+ Just say yes. Thanks to Zoella for inspiring me with this amazing post.
+ Save that money, honey!
+ Take more pictures and videos.
+ Grow hair, GROW!

+ Further my career, and let myself grow organically.
+ Use the inspiration from Dana over at The Wonder Forest and make this blog grow, grow, grow!
+ Start my five faves videos. Actually, start it.
+ Develop my design skills, and maybe make a part-time career out of it?

Well, there you have it. My hopes and dreams for 2013. This year will be a good one, I can feel it in my bones.


Optimistic Existentialist said...

Great goals and resolutions!!

me said...

I second that! Wishing you the best of luck with your 2013 resolutions!!!

Katie said...

Many thanks to you both!

xo, katie

paper kate. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.