It seems as though I am obsessed with this new year. It's only just started, but I am full of resolutions, diets, love, adventures, career opportunities, and oh man everything else under the sun. So, its a Thursday night and I'm doing the usual - surfing Facebook, know, when I see a post from one of my best friends from elementary school. We haven't kept in touch too much since then, but when I saw what she had posted, I was so compelled to do the same! Now I'm thinking it might be a fun thing to do on my blog too! Here we go...
I'm paying it forward in 2013 by sending something artsy, crafty, or just plain wonderful to the first 5 people to comment on this post with a resolution you have for the New Year, and then do the same on your blog! I don't want it to be a spamming, chain thing, but I love giving and I think this is an awesome way to be more creative (which was a resolution of mine, hello!) It could also be a fun way to meet some new friends on the interweb!
I'm hoping at least a few people will participate, and please - link back if you do the same! Let's see how this turns out...
Hope everyone is enjoying their 2013!
1 comment
I don't make any resolutions, as I would have a hard time keeping them...
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